Showing 1 - 8 of 8 item(s)

295 kr 499 kr
295 kr 499 kr

Specifications: 60g  ingredients: Talcum powder, pearl layer powder, BaiFan powder, borneol, plants from Madura Mountain. Health Jobs: 1. Cell renewal, vaginal tightening, regulating sex apathy, improving vaginal elasticity and enhancing sex sensation, make ou feel...

295 kr 399 kr
295 kr 399 kr

Pink packing: DamaSwed Rose oil: Rose Essential oil, Magnolia Officinalis Oil. Indication: 1.Sex lubricant during intercourse, increase sexual pleasure. 2.Vaginal tightening and vagina red tender. 3.Strengthen vaginal tissues and Moisturise. 4.Soothe irritation and Rejuvenation. 5.Anti-bacterial...

295 kr 399 kr
295 kr 399 kr

  For many different reasons, women change the color of the bikini area to a dark color, and this bothers some women, but it should not be a big problem. There are a group of...

295 kr 399 kr
295 kr 399 kr

Climax capsule:  Feeling deeply intensified sexual sensations * Increased vaginal lubrication * Total body arousal * Extremely satisfying levels of desire * Reaching a climax quicker than ever before * Boosted energy * Improved focus...

35 kr 200 kr
35 kr 200 kr

DamaSwed Feminine Foaming Wash:  Foaming Wash No Harsh Chemicals with aloe vera.   FEMININE FOAM CLEANSER W/ HYALURONIC ACID BY DAMASWED Hydration, balanced pH and a strong immune system are essential for healthy skin. With...

95 kr 299 kr
95 kr 299 kr

DamaSwed  Boric Acid suppository 25 counts  Our boric acid pills contain 600 mg of 100% pure boric acid powder completely free of fillers or unnatural chemicals. GET RELIEF FROM BURNING & ITCHING: Soothe and eliminate...

25 kr 200 kr
25 kr 200 kr

DamaSwed men intimate Foaming cleanser 100%100 Natural herbal 60ml   Best Hyqiene Wash For Men | Get Clean And Dry Balls  Help remove foul odor from vour private area  Diminish the unwanted itching and rashes around...

499 kr 1 250 kr

 Damaswed  Soft Gel Vaginal Tightening Capsule : roduct color as shown in the pictureNet content 30pcs. Detail:  Shelf life: 2 yearsProduct Name:DamaSwed Vaginal Tightening Capsule. Main Ingredients:Natural herbs.  Indication:1. Anti-bacterial, Anti-inflammation, Anti endometritis, Anti annextitis, exclude...